Wednesday, February 18, 2009

# 007 - Lighthouses of Latvia.

My friend Saulcerite Neilande from Latvia sent this cover.
The cover features the 2 stamps issued in 2007 & 2008.
L - R: Pape (2007) & Akmenraga (2008).


  1. that's cool. here in argentina is very difficult to find a stamp with something nice on. those are the "special editions" or are more expensive, i dont really know, all my letters have regular stamps. but i know that there are cooler ones, with Gardel (famous singer here), la Boca (a beautiful neigborhood) and gorgeous natural places like Iguazu Falls. it seems like i have never been lucky enoguh as to receive a letter with a cute stamp on. haha. go ahead with this! blogger needs more pasioned people like you! =)

  2. Nice collections, waiting to see more worldwide
    lighthouses stamps soon.
