Friday, December 6, 2013

# 279 - Lighthouses of Germany.

The stamps feature Flugge Lighthouse from the series Lighthouses of Germany (2013 issue). The stamp was issued on 6.6.2013.

Monday, December 2, 2013

# 278 - Lighthouses of Germany.

This is a post crad which I received via postcrossing. The stamps feature the Flugge Lighthouse in Germany. The stamp was issued on 6.6.2013.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

# 277 - Lighthouses of Croatia.

Many thanks to Falas  Predrag from Croatia. The stamps featured on the cover were issued on 12.09.2008 and feature from L - R Vnetak Lighthouse, Zaglav Lighthouse and Pinida Lighthouse.

Friday, November 15, 2013

# 276 - Lighthouses of Croatia.

Many thanks to my friend Zeljko from Croatia for this beautiful cover featuring the three stamps issued on 26.09.2013. The three stamps feature from L- R Plocica, Stoncica and Sucuraj Lighthouses from the series Croatian Lighthouses issued in 2013.

# 275 - Lighthouses of Germany.

I received this postcard via postcrossing. The stamp feature Warnemunde Lighthouse from the series German Lighthouses issued on 3.7.2008.

Friday, November 8, 2013

# 274 - Lighthouses of Spain.

Daniel from France sent me this cover. The stamp feature Ciutadella Lighthouse from the series Spanish Lighthouses issued on 20.9.2010. Thank you very  much.

# 273 - Lighthoses of Germany.

Many thanks to my friend Rafal from Germany for this cover. The two stamps feature Flugge and Busum Lighthouses. Stamps issued on 6.6.2013

# 272 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Many thanks to Wolfgang from Germany for this cover. The two stamps on the cover feature  Flugge Lighthouse from the series German Lighthouses issued on 6.6.2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

# 271 - Lighthouses of Portugal.

Many thanks to Kramer Vajk for this cover. The stamp issued on 9.8.2013 feature

Gonçalo Velho lighthouse in Portugal.

# 270 - Lighthouses of Russia.

I received this postcard via postcrossing. The two stamps feature (top) Kildin Island and (bottom) Peninsula Kanin Lighthouses in the Barentsevo and Beloe Sea of Russia. The stamps were issued on 10.08.2006.

Monday, October 14, 2013

# 269 - Lighthouses of France.

The stamp feature the new and old lighthouses on Île Vierge in France. Thanks so much to Jean Pierre for this beautiful cover.

Monday, October 7, 2013

# 268 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Received via postcrossing. The stamp issued on 7.7.2011 feature Arngast Lighthouse in Germany.

# 267 - Lighthouses of Germany.

I received this card via postcrossing. The stamp features the Busum Lighthouse in Germany. The stamps was issued on 6.6.2013.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

# 266 - Lighthouses of Barbados.

Lighthouses of Barbados - Many thanks to my friend Jean Pierre for this beautiful cover featuring from L - REast Point, Needham's Point, South Point, Harrison Point Lighthouses. The stamps were issued on 13.06.2013 by Barbados Postal Service.

Monday, September 23, 2013

# 265 - Lighthouses of Croatia.

I received this post card via postcrossing. The stamp on the right features the Strazica Lighthouse in Croatia. The stamp was issued on 12.09.2008.

Friday, September 20, 2013

# 264 - Lighthouses of Germany.

I received this postcard via postcrossing. The two stamps were issued on 6.6.2013 and feature Flugge and Busum Lighthouses in Germany.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

# 263 - Lighthouses of Jersey.

Jean Pierre too an great effort to ensure that I receive this mail in perfect condition and a nice cancellation. The stamp /souvenior sheet feature Corbiere Lighthouse in Jersey.

# 262 - Lighthouses of Jersey.

Another postcard from JP with the stamp on the left featuring Corbiere Lighthouse in Jersey. Many thanks JP for all the mail received yesterday.

# 261 - Lighthouses of Jersey.

The two stamps on the left feature Corbiere Lighthouse in Jersey. Many thanks to my frined Jean Pierre for mailing this postcard from the Jersey.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

# 260 - Lighthouses of France.

Many thanks to my friend Fabienne from France for this cover. The two stamps feature Cap Ferret Lighthouse (left) and Vieille Lighthouse (right).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

# 259 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Many thanks to Wolfgang for sending me this cover. The stamps on the cover feature Busum Lighthouse from the series Lighthouses - 2013 issued by German Post on 6.6.2013.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

# 258 - Lighthouses of Poland.

Here is another great cover from my friend Roman from Poland. Thanks so much. The 4 stamps were issued on 29.05.2006 by Polish Post and feature Stilo, Krynica Morska, Gaski and Niechorze Lighthouses off the Polish Sea Coast.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

# 257 - Lighthouses of Croatia.

Thank you very much Adi for a beautiful postcard and also for fixing this stamp as postage. The lighthouse featured on the stamp is Sv. Petar Lighthouse from the series Croatian Lighthouses issued on 31.05.2012.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

# 256 - Lighthouses of U. S. A.

Many thanks to Bryon Peterson from U. S. A for this cover. The stamps on the cover feature New England Coastal Lighthouses. The stamps were issued by US Postal Service on 13.07.2013. Stamps from (L- R) New London Harbor Lighthouse (Connecticut), Portland Head Lighthouse (Maine), Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse (N.Hampshire), Boston Harbor Lighthouse (Massachusetts), Point Judith Lighthouse (Rodhe Island)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

# 255 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Thanks so much to my friend Christina from Germany for this cover. The two stamps from the series Lighthouses of Germany was issued on 6.6.2013. They are Flugge (Left) and Busum (Right).

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

# 254 - Lighthouses of Iceland.

Many thanks to Mrs. Steinunn Jonsdottir from Iceland for this beautiful cover. The stamps were issued on 12th September 2012 and feature (Left) Engeyjar and (Right) Kálfshamars Lighthouses.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

# 253 - Lighthouses of Taiwan.

Rafal sent me a second card while on holiday in Taiwan. The two stamps issued on 28.10.2010 along with the other two stamps in the previous post feature (left) Chilung Tao and (right) Paisha Chia Lighthouses.

# 252 - Lighthouses of Taiwan.

Many thanks to my friend Rafal from Germany who is on holiday in Taiwan for this postcard. The two stamps issued on 28.10.2010 feature (Left) Liuchiu Yu and (Right) Wenkan Tui Lighthouses.

Friday, July 5, 2013

# 251 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Thank you very much Wolfgang for this cover, The two stamps issued on 6.6.2013 by German Post are featured. The lighthouses are Flugge (L) and Busum (R)

# 250 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Another cover from Wolfgang. The stamp is one of the 2013 issue of German Lighthouses - Busum Lighthouse. The stamps was issued on 6.6.2013.

# 249 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Thanks so much Wolfgang for another cover featuring the 2013 lighthouses issue of Germany. The cover features one of the stamps issued on 6.6.2013 - Flugge Lighthouse.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

# 248 - Lighthouses of Poland.

Many thanks to my friend Roman from Poland for this beautiful cover. The 4 stamps issued on 14.06.2013 by Polish Post feature  (L - R) Ustka, Czolpino, Darlowo and Jaroslawiec Lighthouses.

Friday, June 28, 2013

# 247 - Lighthouses of Germany.

Many thanks to my friend Wolfgang Beyer from Germany for this cover. The stamps are from the 2013 issue of German Lighthouses issued on 06.06.2013 by Deutsche Post. The two lighthouses featured are Busum & Flugge.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

# 246 - Lighthouses of U. S. A.

I received this postcard via postcrossing from Laurel of U.S.A.  The stamp feature  Grays Harbour Lighthouse in Washington from the series Pacific Lighthouses of U.S.A.

Friday, June 7, 2013

# 245 - Lighthouses of Russia.

I received this postcard from Olga of Russia via postcrossing. The lighthouse featured on the stamp is Svyatonossky Lighthouse. This stamps was issued on 4.7.2005 along with two other stamps.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

# 243 - Lighthouses of France.

The second cover for today from JP. Thank you very much. The stamp features Point Saint Mathieu Lighthouse. This stamp was issued on 25.06.2012.

# 242 - Lighthouses of France.

Many thanks to my friend JP from France for this beautiful cover. The stamp on the left feature Point Saint Mathieu Lighthouse. The stamp was issued on 25.06.2012.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

# 241 - Lighthouses of U. S. A.

Many thanks to my friend Raymond for  this cover featuring two stamps from the series "Gulf Coast Lighthouses of U. S. A." issued in June 2009. The stamps feature Sand Island (Alabama) and Biloxi (Mississippi) Lighthouses.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

# 240 - Lighthouses of Malaysia.

Many thanks to my friend S. L. Liew  from Malaysia for this  FDC - Lighthouses of Malaysia Series 2. The stamps feature The Pulau Rimau Lighthouse, Fort Cornwallis Lighthouse and The Pulau Angsa Lighthouse. The stamps were issued on 30.04.2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

# 239 - Lighthouses of Ukraine.

I received this post card via postcrossing courtesy Anastasia of Ukraine. The two stamps feature (L - R) Illlichivskyi and Khersoneskyi Lighthouses. The two stamps are from a series of five stamps issued on 08.10.2010.

Friday, April 5, 2013

# 238 - Lighthouses of Anguilla.

Thanks you very much to my friend Jean Pierre who sent me this card while he was on holiday in Anguilla. The three stamps issued on 24.11.2002 feature Sombrero Old & New Lighthouses.

Another great addition to my collection.

Monday, March 18, 2013

# 237 - Lighthouses of Finland.

Received via postcrossing. FI 1697653.
The two lighthouses featured are Russaro (Left) and Ronnskar (Right). The two stamps are 2 out of 5 stamps issued by Finish Post on 9.10.2003.

Friday, March 15, 2013

# 236 - Lighthouses of Estonia.

Janne from Estonia a recent reader of this blog sent me this cover with the stamp featuring Killpsaare Lighthouse. This stamp was issued on 31.01.2013. Thanks so much to Janne for sending me this cover.